Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Caves House

Originally built in 1903 by the Western Australian government to provide accommodation for visitors to newly discovered caves, Caves House is an historic landmark in Yallingup. A town in the south west region of Western Australia, Yallingup is still a popular tourist destination. In 1899 limestone caves were discovered and  Caves House was built not far from one of the larger caves known as Ngilgi Cave, an aboriginal name for a good spirit that triumphed in a battle with the evil spirit Wolgine. 
The original hotel burnt down in 1935 and was subsequently rebuilt.  Caves House was rebuilt in Federation style, an architectural design that became popular in Australia from around 1890 until about 1915. The style was named in honour of the Federation of Australia, when all the states united as one to create the Commonwealth of Australia.  A two storey hipped roofed building, Caves House has an Edwardian Garden, which straying from the tradition of the more  formal Victorian style extends from the house and blends with the natural environment.
The interior of Caves House is inter-war Art Deco and its inside this historic house that a ghost, affectionately referred to as Molly, supposedly wanders the building. Molly was said to be a woman that caught her fiancé and bridesmaid having an affair and seemingly hung herself or took her own life by hurling herself from the bridge on the path that leads to the sea. Staff and visitors have reported seeing Molly in mirrors within the house, though she seems to prefer Room Six of the hotel.  She is said to turn lights on and off and doors throughout the house open and close unexpectedly.
When I visited Caves House I thought the building was quite ominous and the Edwardian Garden that eventually led to the sea was fascinating in the way that its formality just sort of ebbs away and suddenly you are standing in a windswept and natural environment with no hint of any human interference. I had a lot of trouble finding much out about Molly and her origins, though plenty of people seem to have experienced her. Haunted or not Caves House is a fascinating place to visit.